I LOVE NY started the “New York Fall Foliage Report (opens in a new tab) ” on September 11 and will continue until the end of the foliage season, around the first or second week in November. Montgomery County has started its own annual report this year as well.

Reporting station: Schoharie Crossing State Historic Site (opens in a new tab) , Fort Hunter
Percent of trees predicted to have changed by the coming weekend: 90%
Brilliance: Bright
Predominating colors: Oranges dominate, yellows and reds here and there
Rating: Past Peak
While the foliage is past peak, color is still holding. Wind and rain has knocked down the earlier changes but the last are emerging.
This week brings a variety of activities including Halloween, live music, and more!
The Landis Arboretum (opens in a new tab) is hosting Star Parties (opens in a new tab) on Saturday and Sunday. View the stars and planets in Landis’ dark skies with members of the Albany Area Amateur Astronomers. A variety of telescopes will be set up for viewing the heavens, revealing nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, double stars, planets, and other celestial objects. Guests of all ages are always welcome. Feel free to bring your own telescope. Registration is recommended. Star Parties are cancelled if the skies are mostly cloudy. If in doubt, call Alan French at (518)374-8460. Also visit the Landis Clear Sky Clock at http://www.cleardarksky.com/c/GrgLndsAbNYkey.html (opens in a new tab) .

Saturday evening, the Glen Conservancy Hall (opens in a new tab) features Guy Davis, Ambassador of the Blues (opens in a new tab) . Guy Davis has spent his musical life carrying his message of the blues around the world, from the Equator to the Arctic Circle his work as an actor, author, and music teacher earmark him as a renaissance man of the blues. Join the fun in the hamlet of Glen for a very special performance by Guy as he shares his favorite songs and stories and brings the Blues to downtown Glen.
Explore our countryside, enjoy our events (opens in a new tab) , and take in the autumn season!
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