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Welcome to the official Montgomery County Tourism blog, where we talk about where to go and what to do on your next visit to our historic, exciting corner of New York state.

  • Ice Cream Week in Montgomery County

    Get ready to celebrate Ice Cream Week in Montgomery County! Whether you’re a local resident or just visiting, there’s no better way to beat the summer heat than with a […]

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  • Urban Exploration in the ‘Rug City’

    Take a walk along the Chuctanunda Creek Trail in Amsterdam, New York, and you’ll discover more than nature. History and natural beauty collide along this small waterway that had a […]

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  • The Buzz About Moses Quinby, The Man Who Revolutionized Beekeeping in the 1800s

    With so much history and boundless nature to explore in Montgomery County, you never know what you might discover. Take famed resident Moses Quinby, for instance, who made history in […]

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  • Hit the Trails: Winter Fun in Montgomery County

    Getting outdoors and enjoying Montgomery County’s picturesque scenery doesn’t need to stop just because the snow has started to fly. While many love to it the trails on their snowmobiles, and there’s miles of trails to explore, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are two other great family-friendly ways to enjoy a winter day.

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  • Spend a fun-filled day in Montgomery County, NY. Enjoy Two Exciting Events Sponsored by Montgomery County Tourism!

    Montgomery Kayak-a-thon On Saturday, August 26, kayaks, canoes, and stand-up paddle boards are all invited to join Visit Montgomery County and the Amsterdam Rotary as we launch from the Aqueduct […]

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  • Spring Has Sprung. Let’s Hit the Trail.

    Warmer weather is here and it’s the perfect time to get outside. Whether you enjoy biking, running, or just a casual stroll, you’ll find relaxation and beautiful scenery along the […]

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  • Have Cabin Fever? Find Your New Favorite Restaurant in Montgomery County, NY

    March often awakens dormant plants, golfers yearning for spring, and hopefully this year— your taste buds.Whether it is the sweet scent of warm cinnamon sugar or aromatic herbs sizzling in […]

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  • Don’t Let Snow Slow Down Your Fun in the Sun

    When the temperatures start to drop, many people shy away from outdoor activities. But just because there’s snow on the ground doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of opportunities to get […]

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  • Satisfy Your Craving in Montgomery County!

    For many, the winter doldrums are settling in and warmer weather seems far off. If you’re feeling a little melancholy, Montgomery County, NY, has a variety of options to bring […]

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  • CDRPC/NYSDEC – Amsterdam Area Transportation Input Request

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