I LOVE NY started the “New York Fall Foliage Report (opens in a new tab) ” on September 9 and continue until the end of the foliage season, around the first or second week in November. Montgomery County has started its own annual report this year as well.
Reporting station: Amsterdam
Percent of trees predicted to have changed by the coming weekend: 20%
Brilliance: Dull
Predominating colors: Greenish-Yellow, Rusty Red with touches of Orange
Rating: Beginning
Average fall temperatures have set in this week. The weekend forecast looks to be part cloudy and lower 70s. As always, our scenic drives will be picturesque now with a little touch of color. Spend the day picking apples (opens in a new tab) , enjoy a fall festival (opens in a new tab) or learn about our local history (opens in a new tab) !
Call for a free copy of our Harvest Tour map (opens in a new tab) to accompany your Fall Foliage ride. The Harvest Tour map will assist in finding apples, cider, pumpkins, mums, baked goods, and so many more seasonal products.