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National Get Outdoors Day Event at Schoharie Crossing

wildflowers Schoharie CrossingSchoharie Crossing State Historic Site (opens in a new tab) welcomes children to celebrate and enjoy National Get Outdoors Day (opens in a new tab) by attending a wildflower walk at the site on June 11th starting at 11:00am from the Visitor Center, 129 Schoharie Street, Fort Hunter, NY 12069.  The walk will take children along the Woodchuck Walk to the Towpath Trail and return to the Visitor Center.  During this one mile walk, children will be introduced to flower species, as well as a few other plants that are common to the area and found along these trails.  After returning, children will participate in a flower pressing lesson and be encouraged to make one of their own to take home.  This event is free, however donations are always appreciated.

Every year, by Presidential proclamation, June is designated as National Great Outdoors month to highlight the rich natural beauty of America by encouraging citizens to get outdoors and experience the great opportunities of local, State and National Parks.  Organizations around the country have planned events to recognize the importance of the environment with a focus on the enhancement of peoples’ quality of life as well as preserving natural beauty and resources.   The Get Outdoors Day or GO Day campaign seeks to encourage Americans, especially our youth, to seek out healthy, active outdoor lives and embrace our parks, forests, refuges and other public lands and waters.

Schoharie Crossing State Historic site is also proud to be a part of the 5th Annual Saratoga-Capital Region Geocache Challenge (opens in a new tab) .  For information about these events and more, please call the Visitor Center at (518) 829-7516 or email (opens in a new tab) . For more information about New York State Parks, visit the website at (opens in a new tab) .