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Dueling and Rationing History Programs Offered!

Dueling and Rationing History Programs Offered

by Schoharie Crossing and the Fulton County Historical Society

Schoharie Crossing State Historic Site (opens in a new tab) and the Fulton County Historical Society and Museum (opens in a new tab) have partnered to provide a two-part presentation program series this month.  These programs will be offered for free via Zoom and livestreamed on the Fulton County Museum Facebook page.

On Thursday, May 12th at 6:30pm, David Brooks from Schoharie Crossing will be presenting, “DeWitt’s Duel: Political Rivalry at Ten Paces.” The life of DeWitt Clinton is an interesting exploration into the politics of early America and New York State. Recognized now as the Father of the Erie Canal, New York State Governor and former mayor of New York City, Clinton had tended to personal and political rivalries to accomplish legislative goals. Discover some of the intrigue, wrangling, and dirty politics that lead ultimately to DeWitt’s duel on the plains of Weehawken, New Jersey.

Two weeks later, on Thursday, May 26th at 6:30pm, “Service on the Home Front: Rationing During WWII” presented by Samantha Hall-Saladino, Executive Director of the Fulton County Historical Society will explore how the American people felt the effects of World War II long before they fought in it. When America entered the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it became clear that the creation of a nationwide mandatory rationing program would need to be created. Discover the ways Fulton County residents fulfilled this patriotic duty.

These programs will begin at 6:30pm and are offered for free via Zoom or you can watch live on the Fulton County Museum YouTube page: (opens in a new tab) . Be sure to like the FCM and Schoharie Crossing on Facebook for more great programs.

For information about this program series, please call the FCHS (518) 725-2203, contact, or visit the web page: