Haudenosaunee Film Festival
Fonda, NY, September 2, 6-10pm
The Kanatsiohareke Mohawk Community is bringing together award-winning and up-and-coming Haudenosaunee Filmmakers to showcase some of their work on Saturday, September 2 starting at 6pm. Good weather permitting, the film screening will be outdoors and attendees should bring blankets or lawn chairs. Rain will move the festival indoors, which seating provided. Admission costs are: $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and children, FREE for children 5 and under. Traditional and modern foods will be available for low cost.
Films at the festival will be shown in three groupings, which are as follows:
Film group 1: Experimental and Student Shorts
30 minutes of film shorts from Katsitsionni Fox’s Native Film Students
20-30 minutes of film shorts from the Rotinonshonni Storyteller’s Collective
Film group 2: From Haudenosaunee Territory to Standing Rock
The Spirit of Standing Rock, Kahsto’sera’a Paulette Moore (English, 30 minutes)
Senecas to Standing Rock: An Environmental RedVolution, Part I, Jason Corwin (50 minutes)
Film group 3: Protecting and Maintaining Cultural Traditions at Home
Ohero:kon – Under the Husk, Katsitsionni Fox (English/Mohawk, 2016: 26 minutes)
Give and Take, Terry Jones, Govind Deecee, and Erin Perkins (English, 2015: 14 minutes)
Soup for My Brother, Terry Jones (English/ Seneca, 2016: 10 minutes)
Saratoga Arts made this program possible with a Community Arts Grant funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The program is also supported by Schoharie Crossing State Historic Site, the Akwesasne Cultural Restoration Program, and the Johnstown Walmart Distribution Center.
For more information, please contact Kanatsiohareke at: 518-673-4197 or: Kanatsiohareke@gmail.com